Monday, September 9, 2019

Weathering With You Movie Review

If you want to know what some young teeners are watching these days, check out this Japanese anime movie "Weathering With You." 

Compared to the previously well crafted anime movies "In This Corner Of The World" and "A Silent Voice," this new movie "Weathering With You" leaves something to be desired. While the animation of Tokyo was very good, its story line has some loose ends.

The movie is an allegory to climate change and shows that Tokyo is sinking. This is actually based on true to life events. For example, the PBS network featured Tokyo as one of the sinking cities.

The story revolves around a sunshine girl who can stop the rain and let the sun come out at will. However, this special gift comes with consequences. In the end, she is faced with the choice between her teen lover or self-sacrifice.

Anime fans may find the animation interesting as it managed to capture a realistic portait of Tokyo. Probably a movie to watch with a group of friends (called barkada in Filipino).